My wife Melissa Arterburn on the fallacy of Fluoride
3 Life Changing Things That Happened After I Quit Fluoride
By Melissa Ann Arterburn
We bought our first alexapure water filter from My Patriot Supply back in early 2019, now we have 3, and I filter both tap water and rainwater through the ceramic filters. I have significantly reduced my digested fluoride intake over the last four years, in all honesty, I cannot say that I am 100% off fluoride, I still eat out at restaurants, which use tap water in their meal preparation. I still go to the dentist; I still grab a cup of coffee at the coffeeshop next to my gym. I still wash my clothes and take an occasional shower in city water (don’t worry, I bathe, it’s usually in rainwater on the homestead, which has its own set of toxins.) I have changed to a fluoride free toothpaste, and I supplement with nascent iodine to help my body naturally cleanse the calcium that has build up on my pineal gland from fluoride mega dosing by our government officials into our water supply.
A brief history on fluoride, if its possible that there are subscribers out there that don’t already know:
Fluoride started popping up in American drinking water (under the pretense that it helped keep our teeth strong) as early as the 1950s and use was widespread by the 1990s. Nazi occupied France had fluoride in the city water supplies to keep the French population docile. Hearing about how the Nazis used it in France was the straw that broke the camels back, and I decided to quit fluoride, here are three life changing things that happened.
1) Almost immediately I started becoming very sensitive to certain electromagnetic vibrational energy frequencies. The constant noise of living in the city became an irritant, something I never noticed before was all the sudden able to reverberate in my head and drown out my own thoughts. The sound of the refrigerator running in the middle of the night would keep me awake vibrating between my ears. The sound of the lightbulbs, computers, air-conditioning, low frequency boom-boom “music (?)” in passing cars. I could feel it more than I could hear it. It felt unnatural because it is unnatural. Of course, we know now that it’s all being done on purpose like one great big MK-ultra experiment. Low Frequency spiritual warfare.
Luckily my husband, Tony and I had already started planning our escape from the big city to the Ozarks, so I did not have to deal with it for very long. Today I spend most of my time on our homestead and I can observe how the electromagnetic frequencies affect me on days when I work in town.
2) After a couple years of significantly reduced fluoride consumption, I am starting to feel more and more like life is a simulation. Hear me out. Not a computer simulation but more a spiritual & mathematical simulation, something that is unfathomable, not understandable by an egoic mind. At first it felt like everything was moving in slow motion, especially when I would drive, that was back in the early days and has since subsided. I don’t drive that often. Time feels different. Sometimes, for a fleeting moment, I understand something on a complex mathematical level, something I could never express verbally or physically. Today, since I spend most of my time in the woods and engaged in a more deliberate life of planting and raising my own food, I can feel it. Again, I can feel it more that I can see it. My body is just an organic meatsuit for my energy source. It’s Gods simulation.
3) I have felt and understood my connection to God for the first time in my life. I was once a person who believed this universe and everything in it was an extraordinary accident. I believed we would go back to being nothing after we died, just like we were nothing before we were born. Those could have been my exact words even. My idea of what God is has changed, or perhaps, my idea of God is just now developing. God is everywhere, God is everything. (Oh, I get it now, not just talking points for stepford wives.) Including me. Including you. I began to see Jesus as a mystic and guru trying to explain the connection by saying that he was God’s son. Unfortunately, that got him into some trouble, and the books of the bible don’t cover the whole story so all these years after Jesus walked the Earth, many people do not understand how special we are and how special this life truly is.
God connects to us, and we connect to God through vibrational energy, something that I had become extremely sensitive to once I stopped drinking fluoride from the tap all day. I can feel it more than I can see it.
It was not an understatement when I used the words “life changing” in the title for this little essay and I am so grateful to have shifted toward a slight understanding of what God is than to have continued down the path of a person who thought this life was an accident. That vibrational energy did a lot of damage, and I am working every day at shifting that karmic energy back to the light. I would later discover that the pineal gland is thought of as the physical location inside our bodies that connects with God and that fluoride calcifies the pineal gland and greatly reduces its ability to function, which separates us from God. When I observe humans today, humanity does not seem connected to God. I hope everyone can feel it like I have, even if its just for a moment.
I am so glad that our family had artesan well water and the water to this day is still unbelievable.
Having said this - after moving out in the 80s I had to drink Toronto water. Anyhow, since then starting back in the 90s and 2000s I would mention to pregnant women to drink spring water and not Toronto water. After checking into the filtration systems in cities I discovered that there is no system that can take out hormones.
They call Toronto a city but it truly is a Metropolis. Along with the fluoride and hormones I strongly believe that a women's fetus - if she drinks Toronto water is in danger of hormonal upset and who knows what else.
Meliss, I hate to say this, but you might want to think about getting the water you've filtered tested to ensure it's doing what they claim it does. I too bought an AlexaPure filter and noticed, as I would buy a new filter cartridge, that the rates of filtered water flow were different each time I bought a new cartridge, Eventually I bought a water testing kit, one of the big kits you use for pools. Turns out my Alexapure didn't filter out any chlorine filtered water had the same PH as tap water! I had no way to test for fluoride. But every other water filter I've seen used a separate add on filter for fluoride. Anyway, I ended up getting a Berkey filter (with fluoride filters!) and love it. Only, thanks to the EPA, who want to poison us all, I can't get replacement filters!!
I hate to be the bearer of bad news,
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